
Marketing and buisiness planning has always been seen as an expensive overhead. often times too expensive for new business'. After working in sales and marketing helping big bisiness get bigger I thought why not use this skill and experience to help small business' succeed?.

The sun was hot as BBQ on a Christmas Day in Darwin and the sand was burning between our toes.

My then 8 year old daughter and I danced our way to the water line of (what we consider) the world’s best beach on the New South Wales Far North Coast.

There had been a storm the night before and our once beautiful beach escape now resembled a trash pit of newspaper, cigarette butts and just … (for a lack of a better word ) …..shit.

As we picked up what we could all I could think of was imagine being the owner of these businesses labelled on these things discarded turtle choking, whale sickening plastic receptacles and waste.

As a marketing annalist and tactician I knew then that this is what I had to do.

I’m too small to fight the big business but not too small to help the new small businesses coming up to make choices that help our oceans rather than pollute them.


Ten Eighty Australia was born.
